Saturday 8 October 2011





Sunday 25 September 2011

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto last interview

The last formal interview given to a journalist by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto took place on 10th August, 1977, just over a month after his overthrow and 33 days before his arrest, imprisonment, trial and execution on 4th April, 1979.
The journalist was Inam Aziz, who with Habibur Rehman, had been invited from London to meet Zia-ul-Haq. Inam Aziz, one of Pakistan’s great campaigning editors, was a known admirer of ZAB, which should have made him a persona non grata in the military government’s book, but those were early days and the regime was still trying to find its feet. On 8th August, Inam was in Lahore, the day ZAB landed to a welcome whose like the city had not accorded to anyone since Liu Shao-chi. While milling crowds were escorting Bhutto, who had just been released from “protective custody,” to Nawab Sadiq Hussain’s residence, Maulana Shah Ahmed Noorani, who was on his way to the airport, was waylaid, pulled out of his car, roughed up and made to shout ‘Jiye Bhutto’ by exuberant PPP workers.
Inam Aziz recounted his meeting with ZAB in Stop Press , a little-noticed but fascinating autobiography. During the Zia years, it was only his London-based Urdu daily Millat that continued to denounce military rule. It is another matter that when the PPP came to power, men like Inam Aziz found themselves banished from the camp of victory, but that is another story for another day. What follows is Inam Aziz’s recollection of ZAB’s last recorded interview.
He was taken to see Bhutto by Maulana Kausar Niazi. Bhutto with his photographic memory recognised Inam, greeting him by name, though he had only met him a couple of times. Inam presented Bhutto with a box of Havana cigars, one of which Bhutto lit up. The interview had barely begun when there was a phone call for Bhutto in the next room. When he returned fifteen minutes later, he was fuming. When Inam asked who had called, Bhutto said, “It was Zia and he threatened to kill me. I have told him that if I survive, I will have him and 35 of his generals hanged for treason.” After some time Bhutto said, “He held me responsible for the manhandling of Noorani. This is the first time he has been impertinent with me. When he came to see me in Murree, he could not stop ‘sirring’ me. Today there was arrogance in his voice.” When Inam remarked that Zia’s threat should be taken seriously, Bhutto drew at his cigar and said, “I am not afraid of death. I am a man of history and you cannot silence history.”
When Inam quoted Zia as saying that he would hold elections in 90 days and transfer power, Bhutto smiled, “You expect these people to hold elections! Don’t expect liars to speak the truth.” When Inam told him that Zia had cited God as a witness to his pledge to hold free and fair elections, Bhutto remarked, “That’s another of his lies. I have just told you about my conversation with him, so you can decide for yourself if there will ever be elections in this country.” When Inam asked him about his fall, Bhutto smiled and said, “To tell you the truth, I chose the wrong advisers. I have come to hate members of this pseudo-intellegensia who received favours from me but have now joined hands with the army.” On the rigging charge, he said he had not ordered it and only seven constituencies may have been involved.
Bhutto told Inam about the inquiry he had ordered into the rigging and the resulting 10-page report of which the army had a copy. The investigation had found that the American government was heavily involved in the post-election unrest. Hundreds of millions in PL-480 funds were spent to fuel the protest movement. In some mosques mullahs had been found with dollars. During the agitation, as soon as someone was injured, opposition parties would arrive on the scene and begin doling out money. The American embassy was orchestrating the effort. He added that the US embassy had been told that the government had evidence of American meddling and would like a meeting on the issue with the Secretary of State. Some days later, the US embassy replied that Secretary of State William Rogers would be in Paris for a NATO meeting and a representative could be sent to meet him.
The cabinet chose Aziz Ahmed, who arrived in Paris with the evidence. The meeting with Rogers took place at the American embassy, but whenever Aziz Ahmed would try to raise the issue of American interference, Rogers would tell him that the US and Pakistan being old friends, what had happened in the past should not impede the resumption of good relations. Whenever Aziz Ahmed would try to open his briefcase to reach for the documents he was carrying, Rogers would stop him and assure him that Pakistan would have no further cause for complaint. After the meeting, Aziz Ahmed left his briefcase with Ambassador Muzaffar Ali Qizalbash for safekeeping. When he returned to his hotel after attending a reception, he found his room vandalised. He called the manager who expressed shock and astonishment. Since Aziz Ahmed knew who his “visitors” had been, he decided against approaching the police. “Do you realise now what a clash with a big power can involve?” Bhutto asked Inam.
When Inam asked Bhutto what would happen if elections were held in 90 days, he replied that all the waderas and zamidars would be wiped out and even he would be finished as a wadera , but if the people felt that he would meet their aspirations, they would not reject him. When Inam asked him why the army was only able to stage coups in Pakistan and not in India, Bhutto replied that 85 per cent of the army comes from the Punjab, as does the bureaucracy. When the two join hands, political forces become helpless. He conceded that political forces, in order to protect their interests, often become tools in the hands of this army-civil combine. When Inam rose to take his leave, Bhutto said, “If you learn when you return to London that I am still alive, come back and we will meet.” When Inam replied that if Bhutto returned to power, people like him would not be able to get to see him, Bhutto replied, “I don’t think this time things are going to be like that.”
Bhutto, of course, never regained power and Inam Aziz died in London in 1993.

Sunday 28 August 2011

Napoleon Bonaparte

Last Wish: That his head be shaved and the hair divided up amongst his friends.

In a strange twist to the tale, a recent analysis some of the hair that was kept by his friends, it was discovered that it contained large amounts of arsenic. His symptoms prior to death (vomiting dried blood) is consistent with arsenic poisoning. There is some speculation that the walls of his room contained arsenic (not uncommon at the time) and that it was his environment that killed him, but others believe that he was being slowly poisoned by the English. In fact, due to his stomach cancer, his doctor was also prescribing him another type of poison which contributed to his final demise.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

John Bowman

Last Wish: For dinner to be prepared after his death incase he came back to life

Bowman’s wife and two daughters had died before him and he became convinced that when he died, his entire family would be reincarnated together. Driven by this odd belief, he set up a trust worth $50,000 to pay servants to keep up the housework in his 21 room mansion. He also requested that a daily meal be prepared in case the family returned hungry. The will was honored until the trust ran out of funds in 1950.

Monday 22 August 2011

John B Kelly – Died in 1960

Last Wish: That the clothing bills of his daughter, Princess Grace, not bankrupt the Principality of Monaco.
Kelly was a multimillionaire contractor who was also a triple Olympic Gold Medal Winner. His daughter/actress Grace Kelly was married into the Royal Family of Monaco. His will though was his attempt at a last laugh, a god humored expense at the cost of his family.
Some really amusing sections of his will are:
(To my son John) all my personal belongings, such as trophies, rings, jewelry, watches, clothing and athletic equipment, except the ties, shirts, sweaters and socks, as it seems unnecessary to give him something of which he has already taken possession.
He however left nothing to his Son in Law, Prince Rainer of Monaco, stating:
I don’t want to give the impression that I am against sons-in-law. If they are the right type, they will provide for themselves and their families, and what I am able to give my daughters will help pay the dress shop bills, which, if they continue as they started out, under the able tutelage of their mother, will be quite considerable.

Saturday 20 August 2011

William Shakespeare

Last Wish: That his wife receive his “second best bed”.

This last request of Shakespeare has caused much speculation about his relationship with his wife Anne Hathaway. Not only was it an unusual request, it was tacked on to the document as if it were an afterthought. Leaving a bed to someone was not itself an unusual thing at the time – as a good quality bed with no fleas or vermin was a highly prized – and very expensive – thing. Adding further to the debate was the epitaph that Shakespeare left on his grave: “Blest be the man that spares these stones, / And cursed by he that moves my bones.” While some say Shakespeare meant it to frighten grave robbers, the wording was taken so seriously that when his wife died 7 years later, they would not allow her body to be placed with his.


Last Wish: Burn the Aeneid

Virgil is the great Roman poet most renowned for his Aeneid – once the national poem of Rome. Prior to his death he had completed only 12 books (as opposed to the 24 of the epic poems of Homer). Because it was incomplete, he left instructions that it be destroyed by fire after his death. When his friends found out, they managed to finally convince him to remove the request from his will. He consented and the poem was published to great acclaim. I think we can all safely say that we owe Virgil’s friends a great debt.


Friday 12 August 2011

, VICTORIA, British queen,died 1901

Last Will: After half a lifetime spent in mourning the death of her consort, Prince Albert, she said, "I die in peace with all fully aware of my many faults relying with confidence on the love. . . of my Heavenly Father. . . and earnestly trusting to be reunited to my beloved Husband, my dearest Mother, my loved Children. . . .Also I hope to meet those who have so faithfully & so devotedly served me especially good John Brown and good Annie MacDonald who I trusted would help. . . to see me placed next to my dearly loved Husband in the mausoleum at Frogmore." She bequeathed two private residences, Balmoral and Osborne, to son Edward VII, as well as property rights to other family members.

© 1975 - 1981 by David Wallechinsky & Irving Wallace
Reproduced with permission from "The People's Almanac" series of books.
All rights reserved

Thursday 11 August 2011

Last Will and Testament of Elvis A. Presley

I, Elvis A. Presley, a resident and citizen of Shelby County,
Tennessee, being of sound mind and disposing memory, do hereby
make, publish and declare this instrument to be my last will and
testament, hereby revoking any and all wills and codicils by me
at any time heretofore made.

Item I
Debts, Expenses and Taxes

I direct my Executor, hereinafter named, to pay all of my
matured debts and my funeral expenses, as well as the costs and
expenses of the administration of my estate, as soon after my
death as practicable. I further direct that all estate,
inheritance, transfer and succession taxes which are payable by
reason under this will, be paid out of my residuary estate; and
I hereby waive on behalf of my estate any right to recover from
any person any part of such taxes so paid. My Executor, in his
sole discretion, may pay from my domiciliary estate all or any
portion of the costs of ancillary administration and similar
proceedings in other jurisdictions.

Item II

Instruction Concerning Personal Property: Enjoyment in Specie

I anticipate that included as a part of my property and estate
at the time of my death will be tangible personal property of
various kinds, characters and values, including trophies and
other items accumulated by me during my professional career. I
hereby specifically instruct all concerned that my Executor,
herein appointed, shall have complete freedom and discretion as
to disposal of any and all such property so long as he shall act
in good faith and in the best interest of my estate and my
beneficiaries, and his discretion so exercised shall not be
subject to question by anyone whomsoever.

I hereby expressly authorize my Executor and my Trustee,
respectively and successively, to permit any beneficiary of any
and all trusts created hereunder to enjoy in specie the use or
benefit of any household goods, chattels, or other tangible
personal property (exclusive of choses in action, cash,
stocks, bonds or other securities) which either my Executor or my
Trustees may receive in kind, and my Executor and my Trustees
shall not be liable for any consumption, damage, injury to or
loss of any tangible property so used, nor shall the
beneficiaries of any trusts hereunder or their executors of
administrators be liable for any consumption, damage, injury to
or loss of any tangible personal property so used.

Item III

Real Estate

If I am the owner of any real estate at the time of my death, I
instruct and empower my Executor and my Trustee (as the case may
be) to hold such real estate for investment, or to sell same, or
any portion therof, as my Executor or my Trustee (as the case
may be) shall in his sole judgment determine to be for the best
interest of my estate and the beneficiaries thereof.

Item IV

Residuary Trust

After payment of all debts, expenses and taxes as directed under
Item I hereof, I give, devise, and bequeath all the rest,
residue, and remainder of my estate, including all lapsed
legacies and devices, and any property over which I have a power
of appointment, to my Trustee, hereinafter named, in trust for
the following purposes:

(a) The Trustees is directed to take, hold, manage, invest and
reinvent the corpus of the trust and to collect the income
therefrom in accordance with the rights, powers, duties,
authority and discretion hereinafter set forth. The Trustee is
directed to pay all the expenses, taxes and costs incurred in
the management of the trust estate out of the income thereof.

(b) After payment of all expenses, taxes and costs incurred in
the management of the expenses, taxes and costs incurred in the
management of the trust estate, the Trustee is authorizes to
accumulate the net income or to pay or apply so much of the net
income and such portion of the principal at any time and from
time to time to time for health, education, support, comfortable
maintenance and welfare of: (1) My daughter, Lisa
Marie Presley, and any other lawful issue I might have, (2) my
grandmother, Minnie Mae Presley, (3) my father, Vernon E.
Presley, and (4) such other relatives of mine living at the time
of my death who in the absolute discretion of my Trustees are in
need of emergency assistance for any of the above mentioned
purposes and the Trustee is able to make such distribution
without affecting the ability of the trust to meet the present
needs of the first three numbered categories of beneficiaries
herein mentioned or to meet the reasonably expected future needs
of the first three classes of beneficiaries herein mentioned.
Any decision of the Trustee as to whether or not distribution,
to any of the persons described hereunder shall be final and
conclusive and not subject to question by any legatee or
beneficiary hereunder.

(c) Upon the death of my Father, Vernon E. Presley, the Trustee
is instructed to make no further distributions to the fourth
category of beneficiaries and such beneficiaries shall cease to
have any interest whatsoever in this trust.

(d) Upon the death of both my said father and my said
grandmother, the Trustee is directed to divide the Residuary
Trust into separate and equal trusts, creating one such equal
trust for each of my lawful children then surviving and one such
equal trust for the living issue collectively, if any, of any
deceased child of mine. The share, if any, for the issue of any
such deceased child, shall immediately vest in such issue in
equal shares but shall be subject to the provisions of Item V
herein. Separate books and records shall be kept for each
trust, but it shall not be necessary that a physical division of
the assets be made as to each trust.

The Trustee may from time to time distribute the whole or any
part of the net income or principal from each of the aforesaid
trusts as the Trustee, in its uncontrolled discretion, considers
necessary or desirable to provide for the comfortable support,
education, maintenance, benefit and general welfare of each of
my children. Such distributions may be made directly to such
beneficiary or to the guardian of the person of such beneficiary
and without repsonsibilty on my Trustee to see to the
application of nay such distributions and in making such
distributions, the Trustee shall take into account all other
sources of funds known by the Trustee to be available for each
respective beneficiary for such purpose.

(e) As each of my respective children attains the age of
twenty-five (25) years and provided that both my father and my
grandmother are deceased, the trust created hereunder for such
child care terminate, and all the remainder of the assets then
contained in said trust shall be distributed to such child so
attaining the age of twenty-five (25) years outright and free of
further trust.

(f) If any of my children for whose benefit a trust has been
created hereunder should die before attaining the age of twenty-
five (25) years, then the trust created for such a child shall
terminate on his death, and all remaining assets then contained
in said trust shall be distributed outright and free of further
trust and in equal shares to the surviving issue of such
deceased child but subject to the provisions of Item V herein;
but if there be no such surviving issue , then to the brothers
and sisters of such deceased child in equal shares, the issue of
any other deceased child being entitled collectively to their
deceased parent's share. Nevertheless, if any distribution
otherwise becomes payable outright and free of trust under the
provisions of this paragraph (f) of the Item IV of my will to a
beneficiary for whom the Trustee is then administering a trust
for the benefit of such beneficiary under provisions of this
last will and testament, such distribution shall not be paid
outright to such beneficiary but shall be added to and become a
part of the trust so being administered for such beneficiary by
the Trustee.

Item V

Distribution to Minor Children

If any share of corpus of any trust established under this will
become distributable outright and free of trust to any
beneficiary before said beneficiary has attained the age of
eighteen (18) years, then said share shall immediately vest in
said beneficiary, but the Trustee shall retain possession of
such share during the period in which such beneficiary is under
the age of eighteen (18) years, and, in the meantime, shall use
and expend so much of the income and principal for the care,
support, and education of such beneficiary, and any income not
so expended with respect to each share so retained all the power
and discretion had with respect to such trust generally.

Item VI

Alternate Distributees

In the event that all of my descendants should be deceased at
any time prior to the time for the termination of the trusts
provided for herein, then in such event all of my estate and all
the assets of every trust to be created hereunder (as the case
may be) shall then distributed outright in equal shares to my
heirs at law per stripes.

Item VII

Unenforceable Provisions

If any provisions of this will are unenforceable, the remaining
provisions shall, nevertheless, be carried into effect.


Life Insurance

If my estate is the beneficiary of any life insurance on my
life at the time of my death, I direct that the proceeds
therefrom will be used by my Executor in payment of the debts ,
expenses and taxes listed in Item I of this will, to the extent
deemed advisable by the Executor. All such proceeds not so used
are to be used by my Executor for the purpose of satisfying the
devises and bequests contained in Item IV herein.

Item IX

Spendthrift Provision

I direct that the interest of any beneficiary in principal or
income of any trust created hereunder shall not be subject to
claims of creditors or others, nor to legal process, and may not
be voluntarily or involuntarily alienated or encumbered except as
herein provided. Any bequests contained herein for any female
shall be for her sole and separate use, free from the debts,
contracts and control of any husband she may ever have.

Item X

Proceeds From Personal Services

All sums paid after my death (either to my estate or to any of
the trusts created hereunder) and resulting from personal
services rendered by me during my lifetime, including, but not
limited to, royalties of all nature, concerts, motion picture
contracts, and personal appearances shall be considered to be
income, notwithstanding the provisions of estate and trust law
to the contrary.

Item XI

Executor and Trustee

I appoint as executor of this, my last will and testament, and
as Trustee of every trust required to be created hereunder, my
said father.

I hereby direct that my said father shall be entitled by his
last will ant testament, duly probated, to appoint a successor
Executor of my estate, as well as a successor Trustee or
successor Trustees of all the trusts to be created under my last
will and testament.

If, for any reason, my said father be unable to serve or to
continue to serve as Executor and/or as Trustee, or if he be
deceased and shall not have appointed a successor Executor or
Trustee, by virtue of his last will and testament as stated
-above, then I appoint National Bank of Commerce, Memphis,
Tennessee, or its successor or the institution with which it may
merge, as successor Executor and/or as successor Trustee of all
trusts required to be established hereunder.

None of the appointees named hereunder,including any appointment
made by virtue of the last will and testament of my said father,
shall be required to furnish any bond or security for
performance of the respective fiduciary duties required
hereunder, notwithstanding any rule of law to the contrary.

Item XII

Powers, Duties, Privileges and Immunities of the Trustee

Except as otherwise stated expressly to the contrary herein, I
give and grant to the said Trustee (and to the duly appointed
successor Trustee when acting as such) the power to do
everything he deems advisable with respect to the administration
of each trust required to be established under this, my last
will and Testament, even though such powers would not be
authorized or appropriate for the Trustee under statutory or
other rules of law. By way of illustration and not in
limitation of the generality of the foregoing grant of power and
authority of the Trustee, I give and grant to him plenary power
as follows:

(a) To exercise all those powers authorized to fiduciaries under
the provisions of the Tennessee Code Annotated, Sections 35-616
to 35-618, inclusive, including any amendments thereto in effect
at the time of my death, and the same are expressly referred to
and incorporated herein by reference.

(b) Plenary power is granted to the Trustee, not only to relieve
him from seeking judicial instruction, but to the extent that
the Trustee deems it to be prudent, to encourage determinations
freely to be made in favor of persons who are the current income
beneficiaries. In such instances the rights of all subsequent
beneficiaries are subordinate, and the Trustee shall not be
answerable to any subsequent beneficiary for anything done or
omitted in favor of a current income beneficiary may compel any
such favorable or preferential treatment. Without in anywise
minimizing or impairing the scope of this declaration of intent,
it includes investment policy, exercise of discretionary power
to pay or apply principal and income, and determination
principal and income questions;

(c) It shall be lawful for the Trustee to apply any sum that is
payable to or for the benefit of a minor (or any other person
who in the Judgment of the Trustee, is incapable of making
proper disposition thereof) by payments in discharge of the
costs and expenses of educating, maintaining and supporting said
beneficiary, or to make payment to anyone with whom said
beneficiary resides or who has the care or custody of the
beneficiary, temporarily or permanently, all without
intervention of any guardian or like fiduciary. The receipt of
anyone to whom payment is so authorized to be made shall be a
complete discharge of the Trustees without obligation on his
part to see to the further application hereto, and without
regard to other resource that the beneficiary may have, or the
duty of any other person to support the beneficiary;

(d) In Dealing with the Trustee, no grantee, pledge, vendee,
mortgage, lessee or other transference of the trust properties,
or any part therof, shall be bound to inquire with respect to
the purpose or necessity of any such disposition or to see to
the application of any consideration therefore paid to the


Concerning the Trustee and the Executor

(a) If at any time the Trustee shall have reasonable doubt as to
his power, authority or duty in the administration of any trust
herein created, it shall be lawful for the Trustee to obtain the
advice and counsel of reputable legal counsel without resorting
to the courts for instructions; and the Trustee shall be fully
absolved from all liability and damage or detriment to the
various trust estates of any beneficiary thereunder by reason of
anything done, suffered or omitted pursuant to advice of said
counsel given and obtained in good faith, provided that nothing
contained herein shall be construed to prohibit or prevent the
Trustee in all proper cases from applying to a court of
competent jurisdiction for instructions in the administration
of the trust assets in lieu of obtaining advice of counsel.

(b) In managing, investing, and controlling the various trust
estates, the Trustee shall exercise the judgment and care under
the circumstances then prevailing, which men of prudence
discretion and judgment exercise in the management of their own
affairs, not in regard to speculation, but in regard to the
permanent disposition of their funds, considering the probable
income as well as the probable safety of their capital, and, in
addition, the purchasing power of income distribution to

(c) My Trustee (as well as my Executor) shall be entitled to
reasonable and adequate and adequate compensation for the
fiduciary services rendered by him.

(d) My Executor and his successor Executor and his successor
Executor shall have the same rights, privileges, powers and
immunities herein granted to my Trustee wherever appropriate.

(e) In referring to any fiduciary hereunder, for purposes of
construction, masculine pronouns may include a corporate
fiduciary and neutral pronouns may include an individual

Item XIV

Law Against Perpetuities

(a) Having in mind the rule against perpetuities, I direct that
(notwithstanding anything contained to the contrary in this last
will and testament) each trust created under this will (except
such trust created under this will (except such trusts as have
heretofore vested in compliance with such rule or law) shall
end, unless sooner terminated under other provisions of this
will, twenty-one (21) years after the death of the last survivor
of such of the beneficiaries hereunder as are living at the time
of my death; and thereupon that the property held in trust shall
be distributed free of all trust to the persons then entitled to
receive the income and/or principal therefrom, in the proportion
in proportion in which they are then entitled to receive such

(b) Notwithstanding anything else contained in this will to the
contrary, I direct that if any distribution under this will
become payable to a person for whom the Trustee is then
administering a trust created hereunder for the benefit of such
person, such distribution shall be made to such trust and not to
the beneficiary outright, and the funds so passing to such trust
shall become a part thereof as corpus and be administered and
distributed to the same extent and purpose as if such funds had
been a part of such a trust at its inception.

Item XV

Payment of Estate and Inheritance Taxes

Notwithstanding the provisions of Item X herein, I authorize my
Executor to use such sums received by my estate after my death
and resulting from my personal services as identified in Item X
as he deem necessary and advisable in order to pay the taxes
referred to in Item I of my said will.

In WITNESS WHEREOF, I, the said ELVIS A. PRESLEY, do hereunto
set my hand and seal in the presence of two (2) competent
witnesses, and in their presence do publish and declare this
instrument to be my Last Will and Testament, this 3 day of
March, 1977.

[Signed by Elvis A. Presley]

The foregoing instrument, consisting of this and eleven (11)
preceding typewritten pages, was signed, sealed, published and
declared by ELVIS A.PRESLEY, the Testator, to be his Last Will
and Testament, in our presence, and we, at his request and in
his presence and in the presence of each other, have hereunto
subscribed our names as witnesses, this 3 day of March, 1977, at
Memphis, Tennessee.

[Signed by Ginger Alden]
Ginger Alden residing at 4152 Royal Crest Place

[Signed by Charles F. Hodge]
Charles F. Hodge residing at 3764 Elvis Presley Blvd.

[Signed by Ann Dewey Smith]
Ann Dewey Smith residing at 2237 Court Avenue.

State of Tennessee

County of Shelby

Ginger Alden, Charles F. Hodge, and Ann Dewey Smith, after being
first duly sworn, make oath or affirm that the foregoing Last
Will and Testament, in the sight and presence of us, the
undersigned, who at his request and in his sight and presence,
and in the sight and presence of each other, have subscribed our
names as attesting witnesses on the 3 day of March, 1977, and we
further make oath or affirm that the Testator was of sound mind
and disposing memory and not acting under fraud, menace or undue
influence of any person, and was more than eighteen (18) years
of age; and that each of the attesting witnesses is more than
eighteen (18) years of age.

[Signed by Ginger Alden]
Ginger Alden

[Signed by Charles F. Hodge]
Charles F. Hodge

[Signed by Ann Dewey Smith]
Ann Dewey Smith

Sworn To And Subscribed before me this 3 day of March, 1977.

Drayton Beecker Smith II Notary Public

My commission expires:

August 8, 1979

Admitted to probate and Ordered Recorded August 22, 1977

Joseph W. Evans, Judge

Recorded August 22, 1977
B.J. Dunavant, Clerk
By: Jan Scott, D.C.


In the will bin Laden compares himself to a seventh century caliph and suggests his children need to forge their own way in life rather than ride on the back of his name.

“As for you my children: Forgive me for not giving you except but a minimum amount of my time since I have begun my call for jihad,” bin Laden allegedly writes in the will. “And I advise you not to join in the work of al Qaeda.” bin Laden is reputably the father of 24 children with his four wives.

Rohan Gunaratna, author of Inside al Qaeda and head of the International Center for Political Violence and Terrorism Research, is convinced the document is genuine however. ‘I have no doubt this document is real,’ he told ABC News. Gunaratna also claimed the signature at the bottom of the document was that of bin Laden’s.


Aexander Mcqueen shows love dog

LONDON — The late fashion designer Alexander McQueen left most of his considerable fortune to charities but also left money to his siblings, household staff and for the upkeep of his dogs, according to documents made public Tuesday.
McQueen, one of the brightest stars in British fashion, committed suicide last year just days after his mother's death.
The documents show that McQueen, who was 40, left an estate worth just over 16 million pounds ($26 million).
He left 250,000 pounds each to his three sisters and two brothers, and 50,000 pounds each to his two-person household staff, his godson, and each of his nieces and nephews.
The animal lover left 50,000 pounds for the continual care of his dogs and donated 100,000 pounds each to two charities that help animals: the Battersea Dogs and Cats Home and the Blue Cross Animal Welfare Charity. Both provide care for abandoned animals and help find them homes.
Kim Hamilton, chief executive of the Blue Cross animal charity, said the group is "thrilled" with the bequest.
"It is a touching tribute to his obvious love for his dogs and his legacy will allow us to help many thousands more sick and homeless animals across the UK," she said.
McQueen also left 100,000 pounds each to the London Buddhist Center and the Terrence Higgins Trust, which helps promote sexual health and safe sex practices.
The designer, known for his edgy and artistic creations, left the bulk of his estate to his Sarabande charity with the suggestion that some money be used for scholarships at London's Central St. Martin's College of Art and Design.


Monday 1 August 2011

dying world's will

This is my last will.

no need to save me now .
no need to save the trees ,
no need to save the seas.
no need to save me.
i'm all gone now.
do not save the birds,



Friday 29 July 2011


I DIANA PRINCESS OF WALES of Kensington Palace London W8 HEREBY REVOKE all former Wills and testamentary dispositions made by me AND DECLARE this to be my last Will which I make this First day Of June One thousand nine hundred and ninety three
1 I APPOINT my mother THE HONOURABLE MRS FRANCES RUTH SHAND KYDD of Callinesh Isle of Seil Oban Scotland and COMMANDER PATRICK DESMOND CHRISTIAN JERMY JEPHSON of St James's Palace London SW1 to be the Executors and Trustees of this my Will

2 I WISH to be buried

3 SHOULD any child of mine be under age at the date of the death of the survivor of myself and my husband I APPOINT my mother and my brother EARL SPENCER to be the guardians of that child and I express the wish that should I predecease my husband he will consult with my mother with regard to the upbringing education and welfare of our children
4 (a) I GIVE free of inheritance tax all my chattels to my Executors jointly (or if only one of them shall prove my Will to her or him)

(b) I DESIRE them (or if only one shall prove her or him)

(i) To give effect as soon as possible but not later than two years following my death to any written memorandum or notes of wishes of mine with regard to any of my chattels

(ii) Subject to any such wishes to hold my chattels (or the balance thereof) in accordance with Clause 5 of this my Will

(c) FOR the purposes of this Clause "chattels" shall have the same meaning as is assigned to the expression "personal chattels" in the Administration of Estates Act 1925 (including any car or cars that I may own at the time of my death)

(d) I DECLARE that all expenses for the safe custody of and insurance incurred prior to giving effect to my wishes and for packing transporting and insurance for the purposes of the delivery to the respective recipients of their particular chattels shall be borne by my residuary estate

5 SUBJECT to the payment or discharge of my funeral testamentary and administration expenses and debts and other liabilities I GIVE all my property and assets of every kind and wherever situate to my Executors and Trustees Upon trust either to retain (if they think fit without being liable for loss) all or any part in the same state as they are at the time of my death or to sell whatever and wherever they decide with power when they consider it proper to invest trust monies and to vary investments in accordance with the powers contained in the Schedule to this my Will and to hold the same UPON TRUST for such of them my children PRINCE WILLIAM and PRINCE HENRY as are living three months after my death and attain the age of twenty five years if more than one in equal shares PROVIDED THAT if either child of mine dies before me or within three months after my death and issue of that child are living three months after my death and attain the age of twenty one years such issue shall take by substitution if more than one in equal shares per stirpes the share that the deceased child of mine would have taken had he been living three months after my death but so that no issue shall take whose parent is then living and so capable of taking

6 MY EXECUTORS AND TRUSTEES shall have the following powers in addition to all other powers over any share of the Trust Fund

(a) POWER under the Trustee Act 1925 Section 31 to apply income for maintenance and to accumulate surplus income during a minority but as if the words "my Trustees think fit" were substituted in sub-section (1)(i) thereof for the words "may in all the circumstances be reasonable" and as if the proviso at the end of sub-section (1) thereof was ommitted

(b) POWER under the Trustee Act 1925 Section 32 to pay or apply capital for advancement or benefit but as if proviso (a) to sub-section (1) thereof stated that "no payment or application shall be made to or for any person which exceeds altogether in amount the whole of the presumptive or vested share or interest of that person in the trust property or other than for the personal benefit of that person or in such manner as to prevent limit or postpone his or her interest in possession in that share or interest"

7 THE statutory and equitable rules of apportionment shall not apply to my Will and all dividends and other payments in the nature of income received by the Trustees shall be treated as income at the date of receipt irrespective of the period for which the dividend or other income is payable

8 IT is my wish (but without placing them under any binding obligation) that my executors employ the firm of Mishcon de Reya of 21 Southampton Row London WC1B 5HS in obtaining a Grant of Probate to and administering my estate

9 ANY person who does not survive me by at least three months shall be deemed to have predeceased me for the purpose of ascertaining the devolution of my estate and the income thereof

10 IF at any time an Executor or Trustee is a professional or business person charges can be made in the ordinary way for all work done by that person or his firm or company or any partner or employee


MY Executors and Trustees (hereinafter referred to as "my Trustees") in addition to all other powers conferred on them by law or as the result of the terms of this my Will shall have the following powers

1 (a) FOR the purposes of any distribution under Clause 5 to appropriate all or any part of my said property and assets in or toward satisfaction of any share in my residuary estate without needing the consent of anyone

(b) FOR the purposes of placing a value on any of my personal chattels (as defined by the Administration of Estates Act 1925) so appropriated to use if they so decide such value as may have been placed on the same by any Valuers they instruct for inheritance tax purposes on my death or such other value as they may in their absolute discretion consider fair and my Trustees in respect of any of my personal chattels which being articles of national scientific historic or artistic interest are treated on such death as the subject of a conditionally exempt transfer for the purposes of the Inheritance Tax Act 1984 Section 30 (or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof) shall in respect of any such appropriation place such lesser value as they in their absolute discretion consider fair after taking into account such facts and surrounding circumstances as they consider appropriate including the fact that inheritance tax for which conditional exemption was obtained might be payable by the beneficiary on there being a subsequent chargeable event

(c) TO insure under comprehensive or any other cover against any risks and for any amounts (including allowing as they deem appropriate for any possible future effects of inflation and increasing building costs and expenses) any asset held at any time by my Executors and Trustees And the premiums in respect of any such insurance may be discharged by my Executors and Trustees either out of income or out of capital (or partly out of one and partly out of the other) as my Executors and Trustees shall in their absolute discretion determine and any monies received by my Executors and Trustees as the result of any insurance insofar as not used in rebuilding reinstating replacing or repairing the asset lost or damaged shall be treated as if they were the proceeds of sale of the asset insured PROVIDED ALWAYS that my Executors and Trustees shall not be under any responsibility to insure or be liable for any loss that may result from any failure so to do

2 (a) POWER to invest trust monies in both income producing and non-income producing assets of every kind and wherever situated and to vary investments in the same full and unrestricted manner in all respects as if they were absolutely entitled thereto beneficially

(b) POWER to retain or purchase as an authorised investment any freehold or leasehold property or any interest or share therein of whatever nature proportion or amount (which shall be held upon trust to retain or sell the same) as a residence for one or more beneficiaries under this my Will and in the event of any such retention or purchase my Trustees shall have power to apply trust monies in the erection alteration improvement or repair of any building on such freehold or leasehold property including one where there is any such interest or share And my Trustees shall have power to decide (according to the circumstances generally) the terms and conditions in every respect upon which any such person or persons may occupy and reside at any such property (or have the benefit of the said interest or share therein)

(c) POWER to delegate the exercise of their power to invest trust monies (including for the purpose of holding or placing them on deposit pending investment) and to vary investments to any company or other persons or person whether or not being or including one or more of my Trustees and to allow any investment or other asset to be held in the names or name of such person or persons as nominees or nominee of my Trustees and to decide the terms and conditions in every respect including the period thereof and the commission fees or other remuneration payable therefor which commission fees or other remuneration shall be paid out of the capital and income of that part of the Trust Fund in respect of which they are incurred or of any property held on the same trusts AND I DECLARE that my Trustees shall not be liable for any loss arising from any act or omission by any person in whose favour they shall have exercised either or both their powers under this Clause

(d) POWER to retain and purchase chattels of every description under whatever terms they hold the same by virtue of the provisions of this my Will And in respect thereof they shall have the following powers
(i) To retain the chattels in question under their joint control and custody or the control and custody of any of them or to store the same (whether in a depository or warehouse or elsewhere)
(ii) To lend all or any of the chattels to any person or persons or body or bodies (including a museum or gallery) upon such terms and conditions as my Trustees shall determine
(iii) To cause inventories to be made
(iv) Generally to make such arrangements for their safe custody repair and use as having regard to the circumstances my Trustees may from time to time think expedient
(v) To sell the chattels or any of them and
(vi) To treat any money received as the result of any insurance in so far as not used in reinstating replacing or repairing any chattel lost or damaged as if it were the proceeds of sale of the chattel insured

(e) POWER in the case of any of the chattels of which a person of full age and capacity is entitled to the use but when such person's interest is less than an absolute one

(i) To cause an inventory of such chattels to be made in duplicate with a view to one part being signed by the beneficiary for retention by my Trustees and the other part to be kept by the beneficiary and to cause any such inventory to be revised as occasion shall require and the parts thereof altered accordingly
(ii) To require the beneficiary to arrange at his or her expense for the safe custody repair and insurance of such chattels in such manner as my Trustees think expedient and (where it is not practicable so to require the beneficiary) to make such arrangements as are referred to under paragraph (iv) of sub-clause (d) of this Clause

PROVIDED THAT my Trustees shall also have power to meet any expenses which they may incur in the exercise of any of their powers in respect of chattels out of the capital and income of my estate or such one or more of any different parts and the income thereof as they shall in their absolute discretion determine AND I FURTHER DECLARE that my Trustees shall not be obliged to make or cause to be made any inventories of any such chattels that may be held and shall not be liable for any loss injury or damage that may happen to any such chattels from any cause whatsoever or any failure on the part of anyone to effect or maintain any insurance

IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand the day and year first above written

in our joint presence and )
then by us in her presence )

Sunday 24 July 2011


Quaid-e-Azam's Will

Little Gibbs Rd, Malabar Hill, Bombay - 30th May 1939

(1) This is my last Will and Testament, all other Wills and Testaments of mine stand cancelled.

(2) I appoint my sister, Fatima Jinnah, Mr. Mohammedalli Chaiwalla, Solicitor Bombay and Nawabzada Liaquat Ali Khan of Delhi as my executrix and executors and also my trustees.

(3) All shares, stocks & securities and current accounts now standing in the name of my sister, Fatima Jinnah, are her absolute property. I have given them all to her by way of gifts during my lifetime and I confirm the same, and she can dispose of them in any manner she pleases as her absolute property.

(4) I now hereby bequeath to her my house and all that land with appurtenances, outhouses etc. situated at Mount Pleasant Road, Malabar Hill, Bombay, including all the furniture, plates, silver and Motor Cars in its entirety as it stands absolutely and she can dispose of it in any manner she pleases by will, deed or otherwise.

(5) I also direct my executors to pay her during her lifetime Rs. 2,000/- two thousands per month (for her maintenance and other requirements for her).

(6) I direct my executors to pay per month Rs. 100/- one hundred to my sister, Rehmat Cassimbhoy Jamal, during her lifetime.

(7) I direct my executors to pay per month Rs. 100/- one hundred to my sister, Mariam Abdenbhoy Peerbhoy, during her lifetime.

(8) I direct my executors to pay per month Rs. 100/- one hundred to my sister, Shereen, during her lifetime.

(9) I direct my executors to pay per month Rs. 100/- one hundred to my brother, Ahmed, during his lifetime.

(10) I direct my executors to set apart Rs. 200,000/- (two lacs) or (two hundred thousands) which will at 6% bring an income of Rs. 1,000/- one thousand and pay the income thereof whatever it be to my daughter every month for her life or during her lifetime and after her death the corpus of two lacs so set apart to be divided equally between her children, males or females, in default of issue the corpus to fall into my residuary estate.

(11) I direct my executors to pay the following by way of gifts to the institutions mentioned.

(A) I bequeath Rs. 25,000/- Twenty-five thousand to the Anjumane-Islam School, Bombay, situated at Hornby Road opposite Boribunder Station and next to the The Times of India Buildings

(B) I bequeath Rs. 50,000/- Fifty thousands to the University of Bombay

(C) I bequeath Rs. 25,000/- Twenty-five thousands to the Arabic College, Delhi

(12) Subject to above, all my residuary estate including the corpus that may fall after the lapse of life interests or otherwise to be divided into three parts - and I bequeath One part to Aligarh University, One Part to Islamia College, Peshawar, and One Part to Sindh Madressa of Karachi.

Sd / M. A. Jinnah

Attesting witnesses

Wednesday 20 July 2011


The last will was a short document signed on April 29, 1945 at 4:00 am.
• It acknowledged his marriage—but does not name Eva Braun—and that they choose death over disgrace of deposition or capitulation; and that their bodies were to be cremated.
• His art collection is left to "a gallery in my home town of Linz on Donau".
• Objects of "sentimental value or is necessary for the maintenance of a modest simple life" went to his relatives and his "faithful co-workers" such as secretary Mrs. Winter.
• Whatever else of value he possessed went to the National Socialist German Workers Party.
• Martin Bormann was nominated as the will's executor.
The will was witnessed by Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Martin Bormann and Colonel Nicholaus von Below.


Amy Curtis March

I, Amy Curtis March, being in my sane mind, go give and bequeath all my earthly property wit: namely
To my father, my best pictures, sketches, maps, and works of art, including frames. Also my $100, to do what he likes with.
To my mother, all my clothes, except the blue apron with pockets also my likeness, and my medal, with much love.
To my dear sister Margaret, I give my turquoise ring (if I get it), also my green box with the doves on it, also my; piece of real lace for her neck, and my sketch of her as a memorial of her `little girl'.
To Jo I leave my breast pin, the one mended with sealing wax, also my bronze inkstand she lost the cover and my most precious plaster rabbit, because I am sorry I burned up her story.
To Beth (if she lives after me) I give my dolls and the little bureau, my fan, my linen collars and my new slippers if she can wear them being thin when she gets well. And I herewith also leave her my regret that I ever made fun of old Joanna.
To my friend and neighbor Theodore Laurence I bequeath my paper machete portfolio, my clay model of a horse though he did say it hadn't any neck. Also in return for his great kindness in the hour of affliction any one of my artistic works he likes, Noter Dame is the best.
To our venerable benefactor Mr. Laurence I leave my purple box with a looking glass in the cover which will be nice for his pens and remind him of the departed girl who thanks him for his favors to her family, especially Beth.
I wish my favorite playmate Kitty Bryant to have the blue silk apron and my gold-bead ring with a kiss.
To Hannah I give the bandbox she wanted and all the patchwork I leave hoping she `will remember me, when it you see'.
And now having disposed of my most valuable property I hope all will be satisfied and not blame the dead. I forgive everyone, and trust we may all meet when the trump shall sound. Amen.
To this will and testament I set my hand and seal on this 20th day of Nov. Anni Domino 1861.
WITNESSES: Theodore Laurence Estelle Valn,

Sunday 17 July 2011

A Grandfather's will

- Recite Namaz-e-maghfirat daily between Maghrib and Isha Prayers.
- All my children should arrange an Ashra every Moharram in their house.